Breaking Gender Stereotypes
The Centre for Gender Equality and History (K.I.I.F.), in cooperation with PROMITHEAS Research Institute, implemented the project He said, she said: Breaking Gender Stereotypes which took place from May to August 2017 and was funded by the European programme Erasmus+. The project can be described as an open and structured dialogue in the form of seminars, workshops, and discussions between the young participants, from 18 to 30 years old, and different stakeholders/experts on gender equality.
Particularly, the main activity of the project was a series of five meetings-workshops on gender stereotypes in Cyprus. Each meeting focused on a special subject falling under the general theme of gender stereotypes in Cyprus, ways they are (re)produced and ways to break them. The subjects and the dates of the five meetings were as follows (for a detailed schedule of each meeting, please press on the relevant links):
20/05/2017 Theoretical context. Stereotypes and Prejudice: The Gender Perspective.
1/07/2017 Stereotypes in education. School curriculum, educational environment, dominant narratives.
8/07/2017 Media: Their Role in the Construction of Gender Stereotypes.
The project resulted in a useful publication with information on the project and its findings as well as the general conclusions derived through the dialogue. The relevant publication is also a summary of key concepts relevant to gender stereotypes. As such, this publication can be used as a brief handbook on gender stereotypes: what they are, why they exist and what we could do for their breaking, as individuals and as institutions.