The Consequences of the Pandemic to the Young Migrant Women Living in Cyprus

In November 2020, the Center for Gender Equality and History (KIIF) completed the implementation of the research project The Consequences of the Pandemic to Young Migrant Women: Experiences, Thoughts, and Suggestions.

Read the report of the project here.

The main findings were presented in a relevant online event which took place via Zoom on the 26th of November 2020. The complete report with the results and the findings of the research will be soon uploaded here and will be sent to different stakeholders.

The project was funded by the Youth Board of Cyprus, under the program “ReCOVer20”, which aimed to support young people in Cyprus to act for the confrontation of the consequences of the COVID pandemic. The project started on July 2020 and was completed by November 2020.

The aim was to put some light to the experiences and the needs of young immigrant women who live in Cyprus in regard to the pandemic and its consequences. The intent was to identify the problems, and even the opportunities, which may have emerged due to the pandemic and its consequences, may this refer to situations such as social isolation, online communication, solidarity networks, and any other situations caused in the context of the COVID crisis. 

The research included the distribution of a questionnaire to 87 immigrant women between 18 and 35 years old who live in Cyprus and the implementation of six interviews with immigrant women of the relevant age group. After the completion of the research, KIIF organised a public discussion (online) to present and discuss the results with immigrant women and stakeholders. 

The research team coordinating the project consisted of the social researchers, Thekla Kyritsi and Eleni Pashia.

For more information, please contact Thekla Kyritsi via