The project Gender Education of Teenage Boys: Developing a Digital ToolKit (G. EDU) was a transnational Erasmus+ project which has created the G.EDU Platform, that is, an online learning environment on gender education for teenage boys!
The G.EDU Platform―available also as a Mobile Application―is an educational toolkit aiming to provide educators/facilitators (including trainers, teachers, youth and NGO workers, gender experts, gender and LGBTIQ+ activists, policy makers and other stakeholders) with curriculum and lesson plans for the implementation of online courses on gender and gender-sensitive education.
The lessons can be offered to teenagers of all genders between 15 and 17 years old but they have been developed with particular emphasis on the needs of teenage boys. The platform is open and accessible for free while all curriculum and material is available in English, Greek, Spanish, and Dutch! It can be used either for the facilitation of the complete course, or of selected activities.